Season 1 Chip Data Bytes
• Has Bronze Star and Purple Heart - 11 Days to Zero color version
• Is seen taking a last drag on a cigarette - Submarine Sunk Here
• plays golf with Lee at country club and had dinner with him the Friday night before Crane disappeared, implying that the XO and CO are very good friends off the boat - Saboteur
• Nelson has known Chip since Morton entered the Academy - Saboteur
• Crane tells Starke that he and Chip are 'good friends' - Mutiny
• Is one of Crane's 3 'best men' that rescue Nelson with explosives and rifles - Traitor
• Commands Seaview while Nelson and Crane are off boat - City Under The Sea, Mist of Silence, Turn Back Clock, Village of Guilt, Enemies
• Commands Seaview under Nelson when Crane is off boat - City Under the Sea, Magnus Beam, Blizzard Makers
• Wetsuit ALERT! - Magnus Beam, Last Battle
Pilots Diving Bell - Submarine Sunk Here
Is called "Captain" by Curley while boarding the diving bell and "Skipper" during their descent to rescue their shipmates from the sunken Seaview - Submarine Sunk Here
• Sets up explosives - Magnus Beam, Traitor
• Sets up/plays with unusual electronics - Hail to the Chief, Buccaneer, Amphibians, The Creature, Condemned
• Computer weenie - Hot Line, No Way Out, Hail to Chief, Invaders
Best line - "This old sub is going to be the Sea and the View with both ends going in opposite directions" -  Ghost of Moby Dick